If you are coming down to Color Me Mine, why not hit up some other neighborhood attractions!
Children's Museum & Theatre of Maine - https://www.kitetails.org
The Rink at Thompson's Point - https://www.therinkatthompsonspoint.com
The State Theater - https://www.thompsonspoint.com/statetheatre
Sacred Profane - https://sacredprofane.com/
Bissell Brothers - https://bissellbrothers.com
The International Cryptozoology Museum - https://cryptozoologymuseum.com
Leisure Time Cocktails - https://www.leisuretimecocktail.com/
The Tree of 40 Fruits - https://www.samvanaken.com/tree-of-40-fruit-1
Don't forget to check the schedule for Thompson's Point as well! There is always a concert, show or event going on down here.